Monitoring Studio

ID Title | Description Last Update
kb1326 Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server with Monitoring Studio X v10.4+,using Active Directory-integrated Authentication
kb1326 | Sep. 9, 2024
How to monitor Microsoft SQL Server with Monitoring Studio X 10.4+, using Active-Directory-integrated Authentication .
Sep. 9, 2024
kb1305 How to Migrate Monitoring Studio X Policies from TrueSight to Helix Operations Management
kb1305 | Dec. 7, 2023
How to migrate Monitoring Studio X policies from TrueSight to Helix Operations Management by either using the BMC migration tool, bhompolicymigrator, or manually creating policies in Helix.
Dec. 7, 2023
kb1298 Monitoring Studio X - Monitoring Remote Log/Flat Files
kb1298 | Oct. 5, 2023
This article provides an example of a configuration to monitor remote log/flat files, such as those in a network-shared folder via an UNC path.
Oct. 5, 2023
kb1271 Monitoring Studio 9: Configuring the Multi-Parameter Formula Monitor in CMA to alert only when multiple conditions are met
kb1271 | Jun. 3, 2020
How to configure the Multi-Parameter Formula Monitor in CMA to alert only when multiple conditions are met.
Jun. 3, 2020
kb1267 SSH-based monitoring fails due to incompatible Java versions
kb1267 | Apr. 14, 2020
Troubleshooting monitoring issues caused by incompatible Java versions.
Apr. 14, 2020
kb1257 Loading Custom JDBC Drivers in Monitoring Studio
kb1257 | Sep. 11, 2019
How to load new JDBC drivers for the Monitoring Studio SQL Monitors.
Sep. 11, 2019
kb1012 Monitoring Studio Does not Take into Account a Change to the Polling Interval
kb1012 | Sep. 24, 2009
Why Monitoring Studio does not take into account a change to the Polling Interval.
Sep. 24, 2009
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